Our Blog
February 1, 2023
Published by Sandugash Sembinova
Hi Friends, Incredibly happy to share the news: I am going to teach a course: International Career Development in cooperation with the Swiss SASem School of Applied Science. As of today throughout the remaining days of December and January, will be providing regular 3-hour workshops to the teaching staff of Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi. Preparing tons of quizzes, tests, homework, and lots of cool and practical staff about Metaverse, NFT, blockchain, motivation, and goal-setting… Hopefully, by the […]
March 18, 2020
Published by Sandugash Sembinova
Dear Friends, if you were among 20 000 readers who came last year to read the posts on the steppebystep, before all the changes me and as a result, this website went through, you probably know that I was in the search for new experiences and new places. When I have launched steppebystep in September 2020 I have lived in the Netherlands. Although I was grateful for all opportunities this great country provided me, I still felt that being in […]
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